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Cottonseed Meal

Micropus L.

Whole fuzzy cottonseed (Micropus L.) is the product left after ‘ginning” the long fibers from varieties of cotton. Its fiber is found in the short, white, hair-like strands remaining on each seed after the cotton is removed. The fuzz, however, is not residual cotton. Whole cottonseed’s energy and protein are found in the seed’s meaty kernel.

Cottonseed is commonly used in feedlot and dairy rations since they require no grinding and mix well with other feed ingredients for roughage, especially in areas where good quality forages are scarce. Additionally, where nutritionists are seeking to increase the density of the diet cottonseed may be added. 


Whole cottonseed has high protein (23%), high energy in the form of fat (20%), and crude fiber (24%) on a dry matter basis. A cotton boll can contain around 7-8 cottonseeds. 

Packaging Options

Bulk loaded in 40 ft. containers.


Southern United States — Number of harvests depends on variety and use. Stripper cotton is harvested once per year. Other varieties can be harvested two to three times (dependent on conditions). Planting typically begins in March and continues through June based on location. Harvesting begins in September and typically runs through November. Average cotton yields in the Mississippi Delta are around 2,000 lbs./acre. Cotton yields in other areas of the Southern U.S. are typically around 500-750 lbs./acre.