Columbia Basin, Washington
The Basin area has finished first cutting. Overall there is a lot of very nice green hay this year. Some of the later fields do have some brown leaf present.
Ellensburg, Washington
Most first cutting has been finished now and within one week all of first cutting will be finished. Quality overall is very nice green color, less brown leaf than normal and some Timothy has grass present.
Some early fields are beginning 1st cutting. There was some rainfall in the Idaho Palouse area and the fields that were down at the time did receive rain.
Columbia Basin, Washington
2nd cutting is beginning in the lower basin. The North Basin should begin 2nd cutting very soon.
Ellensburg, Washington
Very early 2nd cutting should begin sometime in the week of July 8th.
Western Idaho will begin 2nd cutting soon. Southern Idaho is finishing up 1st cutting. Eastern Idaho just started 1st cutting last week.
1st cutting has been baled in K-Falls and the quality is good with no rain. Christmas Valley alfalfa is currently being baled under fair weather conditions. There are no reports of damage at this time.
Third cutting harvest has finished and fourth cutting is just beginning. Quality of third cutting was better than expected due to cooler weather during harvest.
Kleingrass & Bermuda Hay- PSW
Currently harvesting second cutting. Quality has been good so far, color has been pretty consistent.
Hay - First cutting is almost finished. Reports are volumes are down due to higher price of Bermuda seed which leads to more growers allowing fields to grow to seed.
PSW Sudan Inspection
California (PSW)
Cutting of Sudan was 7 to 10 days late compared to last season. Harvest will last until the end of July for first cutting Sudan. Quality has been good so far with less brown leaf showing in early-season Sudan compared to last season.
Ellensburg, Washington (PNW)
Harvest should be sometime in August.
Willamette Valley, Oregon
Cutting of Oregon straw products will begin in the next couple of days with Annual Rye beginning first. Fescue straw will begin cutting shortly after, then perennial rye a couple weeks after Fescue. The weather forecast looks good and product yields should be around normal volume. The time frame for shipping should start around the second week of July with Annual Rye shipments first, Fescue next and then Perennial Rye.
Eastern Oregon - Perennial RyegrassStraw
Harvest will begin in two to three weeks.
Columbia Basin, Washington - Fescue Straw
Harvest will begin in two to three weeks.
Columbia Basin, Washington - Bluegrass Straw
Harvest should begin next week.
First volumes of Bermuda straw are expected to be available by the end of July. We'll update our report when material is available to inspect.